• Originally published in 1928 by The Telegraph Press as "A History of the Indian Villages and Place Names in Pennsylvania with Numerous Historical Notes and References." This book, Dr. George P. Donehoo’s "Indian Villages and Place Names in Pennsylvania", was written and published in the early 20th century. That was a time when Americans were just beginning to become enthusiastic fans of much that was, or seemed to be, related to Native Americans. That was a time when Americans romanticized about the people who lived here before the Europeans and others arrived. During the time that Dr. Donehoo was creating this informative book, Americans couldn’t get enough of the popularized images of Indians. Books, paintings, songs and movies delivered exciting images of Native American life. "Indian Villages and Place Names in Pennsylvania" is a valuable reference book for anyone, student or other, who wants to learn more about the land’s inhabitants before it ever became “Penn’s Woods.” Although first published in 1928, it was reprinted in 1977. Now it is being reprinted again. The need for this reprint comes from Dr. Donehoo’s translations of the hundreds of Native American names that appear across the commonwealth. We must accept a sorry fact: Pennsylvania’s Native American population is almost totally gone from the commonwealth. In addition, the main things that they left behind might be their countless arrowheads and their hundreds of Native American place names. While not all citizens of the Keystone State are interested in our state’s Indian heritage, all should be aware of it. The author, Dr. George P. Donehoo, was a scholar who studied many aspects of Native American culture. At the time that he was studying and writing, there had been very little archaeology to support his work; yet Dr. Donehoo was able to explain much about the Native Americans’ several languages, their sweeping historical events and the many important historical sources on which he based his information. Above all, "Indian Villages and Place Names in Pennsylvania" explains the meanings of hundreds of Indian names–from Achsinning (Standing Stone) to Zinachson (Demon’s Den) that still appear throughout our commonwealth. Although most Native Americans and their culture have vanished from Pennsylvania, their colorful place names are a permanent reminder of their once-vibrant presence. Because Dr. George P. Donehoo was so diligent and conscientious in his work, this book explains those fascinating names. For the many readers who do appreciate our Native American heritage, this book will continue to be a welcome addition to their libraries. The reader will soon realize why "Indian Villages and Place Names in Pennsylvania" is a marvelous reference work.
  • On the eve of the Seven Years' War in North America, the British crown convened the Albany Congress, an Anglo-Iroquois treaty conference, in response to a crisis that threatened imperial expansion. British authorities hoped to address the impending collapse of Indian trade and diplomacy in the northern colonies, a problem exacerbated by uncooperative, resistant colonial governments. In the first book on the subject in more than forty-five years, Timothy J. Shannon definitively rewrites the historical record on the Albany Congress. Challenging the received wisdom that has equated the Congress and the plan of colonial union it produced with the origins of American independence, Shannon demonstrates conclusively the Congress's importance in the wider context of Britain's eighteenth-century Atlantic empire. In the process, the author poses a formidable challenge to the Iroquois Influence Thesis. The Six Nations, he writes, had nothing to do with the drafting of the Albany Plan, which borrowed its model of constitutional union not from the Iroquois but from the colonial delegates' British cousins.Far from serving as a dress rehearsal for the Constitutional Convention, the Albany Congress marked, for colonists and Iroquois alike, a passage from an independent, commercial pattern of intercultural relations to a hierarchical, bureaucratic imperialism wielded by a distant authority.  
  • This classic study of the history of Pennsylvania’s Indians, from the time of the European contact forward, was originally published in 1961. This second edition has been revised and updated to incorporate more modern content while keeping Wallace’s classic voice and unique perspective. This accessible work explores the primary groups of Indian peoples most important to Pennsylvania’s history―its most prevalent, primarily the Delaware or Lenni Lenape and the Susquehannock people, and the outside groups that had the largest impact upon Pennsylvania, primarily the neighboring Iroquois and refugee groups such as the Shawnee. The volume explores customs, governance, belief systems, conflict, migration, and policy, among many other topics. Sympathetic and balanced, this book has long been considered one of the best books on the Indian peoples of Pennsylvania.
  • The resulting tale is one of international intrigue and heartbreaking disappointment that set the stage for the French and Indian War and forever changed Washington's destiny. The untried major faced a daunting task and was twice nearly killed, first by a treacherous guide and later as he tried to cross the icy Allegheny River. Using firsthand accounts, including the journals of George Washington himself, historian Brady Crytzer reconstructs the complex world of eighteenth-century Pittsburgh, the native peoples who inhabited it and the empires desperate to control it.
  • The year: 1758. A global conflict known as the French and Indian War rages, with the British battling the French and their Indian allies for control of North America. This spellbinding chapter in American history unfolds in a lively historic narrative, punctuated with rich, original illustrations. Join a headstrong young George Washington and British General John Forbes as they carve a trail through the Pennsylvania wilderness, capture Fort Duquesne and help set the stage for the birth of a nation. Let history be your guide as you experience the Forbes Trail today. Start at one of seven gateways as you traverse 250 years of American history―and explore the authentic historic sites, natural wonders, restored houses and gardens, and extensive recreational opportunities that define the land today.    
  • First published in 1947, Pontiac and the Indian Uprising is a product of his time; it is both informative and reflective of the attitudes that existed fifty years ago about Native Americans. Howard Peckham examines how Pontiac was able to lead four tribes to war and inspire the revolt of many more. He looks at the circumstances that motivated and encouraged him, and finally, at Pontiac's eventual failure. This comprehensive investigation of Pontiac's life was difficult because, unable to write, he left no collection of papers. All of his contemporaries who wrote about him were also his enemies, so obtaining an objective picture from them was nearly impossible. Peckham used important source material that enabled him to understand the Ottawa chief and to trace his movements with some continuity. The book includes, in full, the few letters that Pontiac dictated and his speeches.  
  • Pontiac’s War: Its Causes, Course, and Consequence, 1763-1765 is a compelling retelling of one of the most pivotal points in American colonial history, in which the Native peoples staged one of the most successful campaigns in three centuries of European contact. With his balanced analysis of the organization and execution of this important conflict, Middleton sheds light on the military movement that forced the British imperial forces to reinstate diplomacy to retain their authority over the region. Spotlighting the Native American perspective, Pontiac’s War presents a careful, engaging account of how very close to success those Native American forces truly came.  
  • A pamphlet with quite a few images/maps in the 19 page booklet. It summarizes and provides general information about the battle.  Good for provided a general understanding of the battle.    
  • Francis Parkman, America's greatest narrative historian, immortal for The Oregon Trail (1849), devoted much of his career to writing about the struggle of France and England for domination in America. The Conspiracy of Pontiac is an account of the Indian wars that occurred on the Appalachian frontier, extending from western Virginia to what is now Wisconsin and Michigan, in 1763-65. Parkman portrays the inflammatory situation that led up to and followed the French and Indian War. With France's loss of its North American colonies in 1763, the English took possession of French posts, English traders swarmed into Indian areas, and Anglo-American settlers pushed westward into what is now western Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia. The consequence was widespread conflict—usually known as Pontiac's War, after the Ottawa leader.   Volume 1 begins with a discussion of Indian tribes east of the Mississippi River, with emphasis on the Iroquois and Algonquin families. Parkman expands to include the French and British in the New World and their inevitable collision. Chief Pontiac enters the picture after the surrender of Canada by the French at Montreal in 1760. Because the French had befriended the Indians, the latter soon felt discontent with the victorious English. Revolt was in the air, and Parkman describes Pontiac's "conspiracy" in directing a siege against Detroit.   
  • The colonial frontier of Western Pennsylvania set the stage for the fight over control of North America and the promise of the American West. The war began in the Commonwealth and the defenses, roads and skirmishes fought in the Western part of the state defined the war and the early career of George Washington. Join author Robert M. Dunkerly as he reveals the harrowing history of the French and Indian War in Western Pennsylvania.
  • This 112 page book includes b/w photos, engravings, drawings, charts,and summaries of forts and camps built by the British, French, Colonies of Pennsylvania & Virginia, and private citizens during the French and Indian War. Especially helpful are the fort and site inventories which give the location, description, dates, and notes at a glance. A good reference work for scholars, but at the same time a key tool for the student of the period and/or archaeology. Family historians researching their ancestors may also find this work helpful. An index and annotated bibliography are also included.  
  • It is the result of 10 years of work from the last book. It takes us into Eastern Native American history in the mid to later part of the 18th century; a time of struggle and recovery for the eastern tribes. The text is written by Michael Galban, a good friend of Robert Griffing. Through his research he has been able to write wonder and engaging stories that relate well to the images. "The book has a nice flow to it making it an enjoyable read. I think it is important that these Eastern Native American images be seen and their story told, for they are a big part of our American history and should not be forgotten. Thank you." Robert Griffing
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