The border country has erupted in flames!
It is 1763: The French and Indian War is over. But the tribes of the Ohio Country, under a charismatic leader named Pontiac, have united in bloody rebellion against their new British rulers and the relentless waves of European settlers who threaten their way of life.
Young Wend Eckert, German by birth and Scots-Irish by adoption, marches as a scout with the British Army to find the dazzling English girl who was his first love and is now the captive of a Mingo war captain. The youth must help Colonel Henry Bouquet of the Royal Americans guide an expedition along Forbes Road, the wilderness trail which connects Fort Pitt with Eastern Pennsylvania, in a desperate attempt to save hundreds of settlers besieged in the fort.
Then a distraction appears in the form of an enchanting Scots girl who is the darling of a highland regiment but has eyes only for the young colonial scout. the war and the youth’s future will hang in the balance at a place called Bushy Run where the ragtag British battalion and a massive force of tribal warriors battle for control of the Ohio Country.